An email was sent out last night to residents for unpaid dues. This is what was communicated:
"You are receiving this email because you owe dues for 2023 or are behind on more than one year of dues owed to the JRHA.
Due to needing to fix entrances, remove dying trees, replace major parts on sprinkler systems and use our lawyer to impress the importance of following the neighborhood covenants we only have enough money to cover the budget. We don't have enough to fix the CR 18 entrance.
When purchasing a home in this neighborhood you agreed to pay $100 a year to the JRHA. Instead of mailing out new invoices that you already received a copy of in February of 2023, I am trying to save money by emailing a reminder that you owe money to the JRHA. If you don't know how much you owe please contact me. Some of you have been receiving a link to pay through paypal since the end of January. Please pay through the link as soon as possible. If you have not received a link and would like to pay through paypal rather than cash or check please let me know.."
The address to mail check or cash to is:
PO Box 492
Goshen, IN 46527
Kimberly Coates
JRHA Treasurer